tài liệu Aliénor_xứ_Aquitaine

  • Eleanor of Aquitaine: Queen of France, Queen of England, Ralph V. Turner (2009)
  • Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady, John Carmi Parsons & Bonnie Wheeler (2002)
  • Queen Eleanor: Independent Spirit of the Medieval World, Polly Schover Brooks (1983) (for young readers)
  • Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Biography, Marion Meade (1977)
  • Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings, Amy Kelly (1950)
  • Eleanor of Aquitaine: The Mother Queen, Desmond Seward (1978)
  • Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Life, Alison Weir (1999)
  • Women of the Twelfth Century, Volume 1: Eleanor of Aquitaine and Six Others, Georges Duby
  • Power of a Woman. Memoirs of a turbulent life: Eleanor of Aquitaine, Robert Fripp (2006)
  • The Origin and Meaning of Courtly Love: A Critical Study of European Scholarship, Roger Boase (1977), Manchester University Press
  • Duchess of Aquitaine, Margaret Ball (2006), St. Martin's Press
  • Eleanor of Aquitaine, Curtis Howe Walker (1950)
  • Eleanor of Aquitaine, Regine Pernoud, Collins; 1st ed. edition (1967)
  • Eleonore van Aquitanië 1122-1204, een bijzondere vrouw in het zomertij der middeleeuwen, Guus Pikkemaat, Aspekt BV (2011) (in Dutch)
  • "Revisiting Monarchy: Women and the Prospects for Power," Katherine Crawford (2012)
  • "Some Legends Concerning Eleanor of Aquitaine," Frank McMinn Chambers (1941)

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